6 Gift Ideas For Knitters This Christmas

6 Gift Ideas For Knitters This Christmas | Ollie Oxen Knitting

It’s the happiest time of the year and you don’t know what to get the knitter in your life?  No problem.  Sometimes it can even be hard for a fiber enthusiast to buy gifts for a fellow crafter since there are so many options.  Fear not for I have compiled a list of great suggestions for you. Keep in mind that you know the gift recipient best and, when in doubt, gift cards have saved a great many Christmases!

#1:  Stitch Markers

If your knitter does any kind of project that requires that they remember something, stitch markers are a pretty safe bet.  There are hundreds of options for every type of personality.  The only thing with stitch markers is that size matters.  Unless you know that your knitter really prefers knitting with tiny needles, going with the medium or large size is usually best.  Before ordering, make sure that there is no obvious join in the loop or sharp edges on the marker itself. These can lead to snags.  Snags=sad face.

#2:  High Quality Lotion

Make no mistake, knitting is hard work and can do a number on the hands! Few things are more annoying than trying to knit up a drool worthy project and being constantly reminded of how dry your hands have become this season.  A super nourishing hand lotion can help make knitting with even the most grabby of yarns enjoyable again.  If you’re not sure of their smell preference, splurge on a scent free, hypoallergenic lotion.

#3:  Project Bag

Does your knitter commute with her yarn?  Frequent a knit night?  Have lots of projects going at once?  Then a new project bag is a great option for you.  When selecting a bag, make sure that there is nothing that could cut or snag the yarn (like zippers!) and bonus points if there is a pocket or side pouch for holding yarn paraphernalia.  Aim for a bag just slightly larger than the project you think she’ll use it with.  If she’s a big sweater knitter, she’s going to need a bigger project bag than an avid sock knitter.  

#4:  Luxury Yarn

Everyone likes a little luxury every now and then and knitters are no different.  A skein of high quality luxury material is high up on most crafter’s dream list.  Luxury fibers include things like silk, mohair, alpaca, and cashmere.  Unless you know their yarn preferences very well, go with a solid colored yarn.  This can be used with the highest number of projects.  If you’re going to buy more than one skein, make sure that the dye lot numbers match!  This number can be found on the yarn label itself and it will insure that any project made with the skeins will match perfectly.

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#5:  Soap

When someone knits, eventually they will be forced to wash something and ideally they will wash that item in a soap designed for their knits.  If they don’t, this is a perfect opportunity to gift them with this simple pleasure.  If you’re not sure of the scent preference, the fragrance free option is always a good default.  

#6:  Punny Knitting Card

If you decide to go the gift card route (no judgement here!), a punny card is a great addition to that gift.  Add in a heartfelt message and you’ve got yourself a memorable present.

What About You?

What’s the best knitty gift you’ve ever received?  How about the best gift you’ve ever given? Leave your answer in the comment section down below!

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